About Wellnex Life

Wellnex Life (ASX: WNX) is an Australian brand and distribution company of customer-focused health and wellness products. The company’s large portfolio, first-to-market strategy and established retail distribution network provide an attractive business model for growth and profitability. Wellnex’s mission is to deliver health, wellness, and vitality solutions to consumers in Australia and worldwide.


Remains at our core, as we continue to capitalise on proven relationships, explore new products, technology and joint ventures.


In everything we do, we look after our environment, our people and our communities. Our business reflects our passion for sustainability and transparency.


Wholly Australian-owned, we’re proudly authentic and always fully accountable for our actions and decisions across the entire supply chain.


We bring ingenuity and innovative thinking to every aspect of our business – moving swiftly with our evolving world. We are Category Disruptors.


In everything we do, we look after our environment, our people and our communities. Our business reflects our passion for sustainability and transparency.


We bring ingenuity and innovative thinking to every aspect of our business – moving swiftly with our evolving world. We are Category Disruptors.


Remains at our core, as we continue to capitalise on proven relationships, explore new products, technology and joint ventures.


Wholly Australian-owned, we’re proudly authentic and always fully accountable for our actions and decisions across the entire supply chain.


We bring ingenuity and innovative thinking to every aspect of our business – moving swiftly with our evolving world. We are Category Disruptors.


In everything we do, we look after our environment, our people and our communities. Our business reflects our passion for sustainability and transparency.


Wholly Australian-owned, we’re proudly authentic and always fully accountable for our actions and decisions across the entire supply chain.


Remains at our core, as we continue to capitalise on proven relationships, explore new products, technology and joint ventures.

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Our Team


George Tambassis

Independent Non-Executive Director

Zack Bozinovski

Managing Director

George Karafotias

Chief Executive Officer

Vivienne Zhang

Chief Financial Officer

Jeffrey Yeh

Non-Executive Director

Eric Jiang

Independent Non-Executive Director

Andrew Vidler

Independent Non-Executive Director

Ruari McGirr

Non-Executive Director

George Karafotias

Chief Executive Officer

Zack Bozinovski

Managing Director

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